" Dimitri " VR Avatar + Optimized
On Sale
- works great in full body! perfect for dancing or relaxing. ♡
- toggles for cravat, jacket, vest, cape, harness, nipple piercings, pants, socks, shoes.
- hair swap, 5 mat colors for each, radial for different skintones & a bloody mouth toggle.
- dissolve animation with particles & a bat hand puppet!
- world constraint coffin that can swing open, slide open & lay down or stand up.
- three separate vers, no dps, dps, green optimized version.
- green optimized still has skin, hair radials & blood toggle.
- phys bones in chest, butt & cape.
- colliders where applicable.
red --- very poor
➜ 51.67 MB
➜ 361,167 polys
➜ 17 meshes
➜ 37 material slots
➜ 13 phys bone components
➜ 132 transforms
➜ 17 colliders
➜ 1179 collision
➜ 2000 particles
➜ 1 light ( DPS VER ONLY )
green --- good
➜ 10.63 MB
➜ 69,248 polys
➜ 1 mesh
➜ 8 materials
body: Misty#5555
head, headcap: sugs#9795
loc hair: Minichibi#0001
hair textures: wetcat#6969
rings: Gashina#1960
world constraint: VRLABS
particle mat base: raivovfx's free particles
nipple piercings: AgentM#0247
tattoos generated by midjourney AI, cleaned up & other parts drawn by me.
short hair, eye textures, body texture, jacket, vest, shirt, harness, fangs, gauges, cravat, pants, socks, shoes, coffin, cape, bat model, icons & everything else were made by illume#2788.
please have knowledge of unity when purchasing, this is a package you have to upload yourself. ♡