" Hellion " VR Avatar + Optimized
On Sale
- works great in full body! perfect for dancing or relaxing. ♡
- toggleable dissolves for horns/tail, ponytail / short hair, blindfold, veil, accessories, piercings, strapped bodysuit, bra, skirt, corset, shoes & boa.
- three versions, carbon copy system ( cloning system ), regular & optimized version.
- hue shift & 4 different skintones on a radial. ( on opti version as well )
- butt & boob slider ( on opti version as well )
- phys bones in hair, boa, tail, chest, butt & chain veil.
- colliders where applicable.
body: pandaabear#9873
head: kri#1214
rings, belly accessories: aika#6666
eye texture: zila#8266
base body texture: Ying#6669
right arm & stomach tattoos: Uni#1369
hair textures: wetcat#6969
necklace: nitchie#6666
strap bodysuit: Aantara#1337
corset: goola#2462
carbon copy: dreadrith#3238 & justSleightly#0001
hair, horns, tail, veil, blindfold, bra, skirt, shoes, boa, socks texture, back/shoulder/left arm tattoos, icons, other accessories/piercings & textures were made by illume#2788.
** this is an older avatar that has been updated from dynamic bones to phys bones, if you run into any issues, please let me know!
please have knowledge of unity when purchasing, this is a package you have to upload yourself. ♡