" Pumpkin " VR Avatar
On Sale
- works great in full body! perfect for dancing or relaxing. ♡
- toggles for ears, cream on head, bone gag, collar, sweater, shibari ropes, belt, skirt, thigh highs, panties, heeled boots, pasties, gloves tail.
- hair length swap ( short & long ), hair radial with split / opaque options, skin radial
- " wax " toggle for the chest & lower region
- contacts for headpat ( smile, tail wag & hearts ), choke ( ahegao face ), ass slap hand print & fingering contact ( works with any fingers except the thumb / little finger ) all contacts are toggleable.
- shibari rope opens up on a toggle for the lower region.
- toggle for breath particles.
- toggle for human sized dog bed w/ pillows.
- dps version has oral, hand left / right, butt & cooch.
- phys bones in hair, chest, butt, tail & ears.
- low poly cloth skirt.
- colliders where applicable.
red --- very poor
➜ 37.17 MB
➜ 222,195 polys
➜ 20 skinned meshes
➜ 35 material slots
➜ 7 phys bone components
➜ 80 transforms
➜ 7 colliders
➜ 224 collision
➜ 2 lights ( DPS VER ONLY )
➜ 4 contacts
➜ 1 cloth
body: pandaabear#9873
head: Vic.#6676
base body texture: Ying#6669
icons: Uni#1369
particle mat base: raivovfx's free particles
heart particles: Kisu☆#1000
paw pasties: Deimos#6533
shibari rope: Renipuff#3700
wax: Torinyan
cooch: HLLHVND#6969
world constraint: VRLABS
ears, cream, tail, bone gag, piercings, collar, sweater, belt, skirt, panties, thigh highs, heels, gloves, face texture, eye texture, dog bed, hair textures, both hairs, eye gif & edits to other textures / meshes were all made by illume#2788.
please have knowledge of unity when purchasing, this is a package you have to upload yourself. ♡