" Lolth & Mizuchi " The Ghoul Friends VR Avatar + TPS
lolth the spider & mizuchi the dragon are part of the ghoul friends, a collab between krisandra & i! check out cressida & chryseis on her shop. ( https://krisandra.store ) ♡
- both work great in fbt! for dancing, relaxing or any other activities.
- mizuchi toggles: jacket, bralet, top, star bra, dragon belt, panties, pants, fishnet, sneakers, heels, barefeet option, horns, glasses, purse, tail, wings
- mizuchi customization: glasses down, long hair, short hair, default hair, hair color options, skintone radial, chest & ass sliders.
- mizuchi contacts: kiss ( noise ), boop ( noise, stars ), headpat ( smile, particles ), highfive ( sound ), friendship bracelets work with other ghoulfriends! ( particles )
- lolth toggles: knit top, shirt, bra, dress, skirt, undies, heels, sandals, jewelry, leg stuff, spider pet, spider legs, leg idle, spider hug animation
- lolth customization: twin curls, half updo, default, hair material sliders, chest & ass sliders.
- lolth contacts: kiss ( noise ), boop ( noise, stars ), headpat ( smile, particles ), highfive ( sound ), friendship bracelets work with other ghoulfriends! ( particles )
- lolth's extra eyes are 3d mesh & blink / move with expressions & have a toggleable idle animation.
- both have toggles for animated particle expressions.
- both have TPS versions with 4 orifices.
Lolth: 45 MB, 168 tex memory, 283k polys, 20 meshes, 46 mats, 220 transforms, 317 collsion, 19 components
Mizuchi: 39 MB, 134 tex memory, 248k polys, 27 meshes, 42 mats, 233 transforms, 128 collsion, 23 components
( + lights on TPS ver )
hair textures: nikkie ( https://nikkiepng.com ), wetcat ( https://wetcat.gumroad.com )
body, head, sneakers: zinpia ( https://zinpia.sellfy.store/ )
base face texture, eye tex: sivka.( https://23mink.gumroad.com/ )
hairs: nessyy. ( https://payhip.com/nessyvr ), Saikura ( https://saikura.gumroad.com/ )
mizu eye tex: Ryuohh#0001 ( https://ryuohh.gumroad.com/ )
icons: Maddiiee#7341 ( https://maddiiee.gumroad.com/ )
mizu rings: lexxxya ( https://lexxxya.gumroad.com/ )
expression & friendship particles: kisustar ( https://kisustar.gumroad.com/ )
heels, glasses: deimos_vr ( https://deimos.sellfy.store/ )
mizu lashes & brows: .chantel ( https://chantei.com/ )
star bra: hoeyume#5516 ( https://hoeyume.gumroad.com/ )
lolth necklaces: MAHD#6969 ( https://payhip.com/MAHDvrc )
mizu wings: zevvy & nofoxgiven ( https://wolfsden3d.gumroad.com/ )
glasses shader ( free ): doppelganger ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/burning-glasses-37036399 )
charm bracelet base + cressida & chryesis charms by krisandra ( https://krisandra.store )
lolth's short updo, bra, panties, skirt, leg warmers, braclets, rings, spider legs, shirt, dress, knit sweater, sandals, pet spider + mizu's default hair, jacket, bralet, top, pants, undies, dragon heels, dragon belt, tail, horns, fishnets, bag & textures by me, illumevr ( https://illumes.store )
toggles + contacts using vrc av3 creator / contacts ver by rafa here.
photos by blazeytaco.
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