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" Eve " VR Avatar

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  • works great in full body! perfect for dancing or relaxing. ♡
  • contacts for headpat ( tail wag, tongue out face w/ stars ), shy fingers ( cross eyed, snowflake on nose ) & kiss ( hearts & mwah particles )
  • toggles for ears, tail, gingerbread cookie, shirt, shorts, thigh highs, onesie, panties, pasties, cold breath.
  • idle blinking lights animation on ears / tail!
  • mistletoe world drop, gift box world drop, animation to open the gift, radial for different gift textures.
  • three textures for each outfit, five sock options, different option for panties / pasties, eye hue radial,
  • three hair / tail options & inner ear fur options.
  • skin radial, radials for tit & ass size. button up shirt moves apart when radial is set higher.
  • outfit parameter presets for two piece pj set, onesie set, undies w/ pasties & everything off.
  • phys bones in hair, ears, tail, chest & butt.
  • colliders where applicable.

red --- very poor
➜ 34 MB
➜ 218,434 polys
➜ 12 meshes
➜ 21 material slots ( significantly drops without particles )
➜ 13 physbone components
➜ 122 transforms
➜ 527 collision
➜ 3 contacts

body: sugs#9795
head: nikkie#0088
eye textures: Ryuohh#0001
icons: Uni#1369
ears/tail: Oliver#8983
mistletoe: Sinrith#0333
breath: raivovfx's free particles
hair texture: wetcat#6969
world constraint: VRLABS
hair, shirt, shorts, thigh highs, onesie, bracelet, gift box, gingerbread cookie, snowflake on nose, panties, pasties, texture & mesh edits by illume#2788.

please have knowledge of unity when purchasing, this is a package you have to upload yourself. ♡
You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (306MB) file